Ejsing Wind Farm - very good wind conditions
Electricity Capacity
7 MWe
Onshore / Offshore
Vattenfall ownership share
98 %
In Operation
Ejsing Wind Farm is situated in Holstebro Municipality. The Ejsing area has some of the best wind resources in the region. This is because the coastal location and the sparse vegetation. There is a mean wind of 6.9 m/s at 30 meters.
Local shareholders
In September 2011 we invited all the neighbours for a topping-out ceremony. About 300 neighbours showed up to see the first tower parts lifted into place. We had hot dogs and soda and enjoyed a positive atmosphere. The locals are also offered to become co-owners of the wind farm. In total there are 52 persons who have agreed to become shareholders in the company. We are pleased at Vattenfall with this large number of shareholders, since it confirms that there is local support for the project. We look forward to a long lasting cooperation.
The three Siemens turbines at Ejsing Wind Farm, each with a height of 126,5 metres, will be visible landmarks when ships are passing through the beautiful Limfiord.