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The construction of Kilforsen Power Station began in 1947 with Vattenfall building a new road between the districts of Betåsen and Imnäs, close to the Ångermanälven River in northern Sweden. A rather unconventional hydro power station was to be constructed on dry land between two rivers, so the road was needed to manage the logistics. This resulted in several advantages compared to building the power station on one of the rivers.


The Kilforsen facility was constructed between the Ångermanälven River and its confluent, the Fjällsjöälven River. By placing the power station between the two, it was possible to construct it on dry land while also preserving some of the beauty of Fjällsjöälven.

A canal stretching 1 kilometre was built, and a tunnel of 1.7 kilometres in length was blasted out of the bedrock. A small artificial lake acts as an equalisation basin and gives life to the desolate surroundings. When it reaches the Kilforsen facility between the rivers, the water plummets down the full head (drop) length of 99 metres and then continues through a 2.7 kilometre long tunnel, finally reaching the Ångermanälven River. 

The visible part of the power station has become a tourist attraction due to its rather unusual appearance; a cylinder known as the cheese. It contains offices, an engine room for the lifts and an introductory room. The walls of the room containing lift machinery have been decorated with instructive maps created by Ebbe Berg. The lifts lead to the turbine hall, 90 metres below the surface


The facility is equipped with Francis turbines. Kilforsen is one of Vattenfall’s larger hydro power stations. It was commissioned in 1953.