Kentish Flats Extension

In February 2013, Vattenfall was granted permission to extend the existing Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm. Offshore and onshore electrical works began in late 2014, and the main construction and installation took place the following summer. Kentish Flats Extension produced its first power to the National Grid in August 2015 and was officially inaugurated in June 2016.
Kentish Flats Extension characteristics
The Kentish Flats Extension is located to the west and south of the first Kentish Flats Wind Farm. It lies more than 7 kilometres off the coast of Herne Bay and Whitstable and covers an area of approximately 7.8 km². The 15 x 3.3 MW Vestas turbines have a total installed capacity of 50 MW.
At 139.6 metres the Kentish Flats Extension turbines are taller than their neighbouring turbines and are capable of generating power in lower wind speeds.