Juktan wind farm

The area is situated by Lake Blaiksjön in Sorsele municipality, where the Juktan power plant is already in operation. Most of Lake Blaiksjön and Blaiken village have been classified as areas of national interest for wind power by the Swedish Energy Agency. It is very windy in the area which is a prerequisite for setting up a wind farm here. Other advantages with the location are the fact that Vattenfall is already established in the area, which means the site has a well-developed energy production infrastructure and industrial operations have already taken place there, and that there are no permanent residents in the vicinity.
Project history
The consultation process with the parties concerned and the general public took place in autumn 2009. Based on this, changes were made to the area taking received opinions into consideration. The permit application with an environmental impact assessment was submitted at the start of the summer in 2010. Further information was then submitted, a permit was granted and came into force in 2013. A decision was made by Vattenfall's Board of Directors in September 2014 to build the Juktan wind farm.
Juktan wind farm is a joint venture between Vattenfall and Swedish banking and insurance group Skandia.
Vattenfall invests in wind power
Vattenfall works toward a long-term sustainable society. We take responsibility for the environment and climate, with a focus on a substantial and long-term investment in profitable, renewable electricity generation, both in the Nordic region and in our continental operations.