Electricity Capacity
3.7 MWe
Heat Capacity
109 MWth
Combined heat and power (CHP)
Main Fuel
Vattenfall ownership share
100 %
In Operation

Vattenfall’s biomass plant in Motala, which produces heat for district heating, was commissioned in 1998. A second unit, a CHP plant was commissioned in 2006, further increasing the plant’s biomass production capacity. Vattenfall supplies a large part of Motala with district heating and electricity. The electricity generation in the Motala plant is carbon neutral.
The biomass plant in Motala
Since 2006, the Motala plant has been able to reduce its emissions of carbon dioxide by 92% by replacing oil with renewable fuels. Vattenfall continuously strives to optimise the combustion process and improve environmental aspects.
The fuel used in Motala primarily consists of biomass sourced from several suppliers in close proximity to the plant. Test-sampling and inspections of the suppliers are performed to ensure that the fuel is of the right quality.