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Vattenfall's heat production in Vänersborg utilises waste heat from the company Vargön Alloys as far as possible. Bio-oil has been used as peak and reserve power since 2003. This means that production is completely carbon-neutral.

The plant in Vänersborg was commissioned in 1985. Since 2017, Vänersborg's district heating network has been connected to Trollhättan's, which means that the waste heat from Vargön Alloys can be utilised even more efficiently.

In 2024, we are building a new pellet-fired plant in Vänersborg, which has been named Lignum, which means wood in Latin. The new plant will complement our current plant and help us to continue to maintain a stable supply of sustainable district heating in Vänersborg. In the new heating plant, pellets will be used as fuel, which means that our production will remain fossil-free. The new heating plant is planned to be completed by winter 2024/2025.

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