Water information

One of the challenges during the construction of Porsi was the driving of logs in the river. The Luleälv river had been used for log-driving for many years, and a permanent solution was needed to ensure that the transportation of timber was not adversely affected. The answer was a permanent log flume between intake and spillway. The intake was built like a funnel-shaped segment gate. The capacity was about 20,000-25,000 logs per hour. Log-driving stopped in 1978, however, and today the logs are transported by truck.
Vattenfall’s first nature conservation area
The environment around the power plant is unique in many ways. It contains some 20 species of protected wildflowers, valuable habitats for birds and old-growth forest. In 2000, Vattenfall decided to give these areas special protection by creating Vattenfall’s first nature conservation area.
New technology tested
In 1999, Vattenfall installed a new generator called Powerformer, which could be connected directly to the high-voltage grid without the need for a step-up transformer. In addition, one of the three Kaplan turbines was replaced with a propeller turbine. The Powerformer is now being replaced with a conventional unit and generator since it failed to work as required.
About the Luleälv river
Hydro power is a reliable, safe and renewable source of energy. Almost half of Sweden's total electricity requirement is currently supplied by hydro power. The Luleälv river, on which Porsi is situated, is Vattenfall's and Sweden's most important river in terms of hydro power generation.